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Friday, March 21, 2014

Add Maths (Form 4: Notes Chapter 1)

Salam & hello everybody.

Let me share to you my notes while I was in high school.
(Thank you teachers, for everything you've done to make sure all your students understood everything. Wherever you are, I pray for your health and happiness & may Allah bless you here & after :)

Additional mathematics
Form 4
Chapter 1 (Functions)

Functions: A relation connects elements in codomain to the elements in domain according to definition of relation.

Relation of two sets can be represented by :
-arrow diagram
-ordered pairs
-cartesian graph

As given example in the picture below:
-The domain is {1,2,3,4}
-The codomain is {1,4,9,17}
-Range is {1,4,9}

3 types of relation:
-one-to-one relation (functions)
-one-to-many relation
-many-to-one relation (functions)
-many-to-many relation

Composite functions

Inverse functions

Share this to all your family, friends, students, neighbours & etc. 
Spread the knowledge, people :)
May we'll be blessed.

Oh, for more information you can just google it hee or try get additional notes about functions from this website :

So, have fun people. Hee :)

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