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Friday, March 21, 2014

ENGLISH itu mudah?

'Tak pandai lah english. Hmmm', 
'Ish asal aku tak leh score A ni',  
'Alaa dapat band 1 je?'. 

Does anybody has ever felt like this? "o_o"

Salam & Hello everyone :)

Even I also feel stupid when it comes into 'English' topic (see). BUT, don't worry people! "When there's a will, there's a way" RIGHT? So, here I would like to share something that might help you. (Excited lah sikit hee)

                                                    Click on this link: 

'Don't waste this good opportunity! Let's grab it & share with everyone'

"& ONE more thing"

I found this from So, just want to share with you some knowledge here. Later, we won't repeat the same mistakes again & again.

15 Grammar Goofs That Make You Look Silly
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Have fun, people :)

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